

RSD 5,590

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Opis proizvoda

A "must have" for any outdoor adventure: the Climber penknife is produced in stainless steel with black plastic handles and features a comprehensive range of tools. In addition to the large and small blades, the knife contains other useful tools such as scissors, a multipurpose hook, a bottle opener with screwdriver and wire stripper, a reamer, punch and sewing awl, a corkscrew, a key ring and tweezers. The knife measures approx. 9.1 cm in length so you're certain to find room for it with your other equipment.

- Colour: black
- Material: stainless steel/plastic
- Length: approx. 9.1 cm
- made for Mercedes-Benz by Victorinox

Informacije o proizvodu

  • Broj artikla: B66953409

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