Wall clock, business


RSD 10,516

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Opis proizvoda

Keep an eye on the time: The elegant wall clock with high design standards under the motto "Modern Luxury" was developed in cooperation with the Mercedes-Benz Design department and features a matte silver-colored frame as well as a black, high-gloss plastic dial. Three needles complete the clock's features, in which the second hand runs continuously. Exciting contrasts in terms of material, color and surface finish: A clock that emphasizes its features. Note:The clock is powered by AA batteries (not within scope of delivery).

- Color: black/silver-colored
- Material: Plastic
- 3 hands
- Continuously running second hand

Informacije o proizvodu

  • Broj artikla: B66956169

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© 2025 Star Import d.o.o. Sva prava zadržana (Impresum).

Omladinskih brigada 33, 11070 Beograd, Srbija, Poštanski fah: 82