Sea gift set, EdP


RSD 14,642

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Opis proizvoda

Land, water, air: the new fragrance trilogy from Mercedes-Benz is inspired by the power of the elements. While LAND symbolises warmth and a down-to-earth nature with earthy tonka and addictive cocoa shells, SEA is reminiscent of the depths of the ocean with the scent of seaweed and vibrant mandarin. AIR conjures up the notion of freedom, with decadent angelica and refreshing citrus fruits. All three fragrances are based on a floral-woody patchouli. The combination results in an iconic trilogy in which all three basic elements combine to create a unique fragrance experience. In addition to the AIR perfume water, the gift set contains product samples of the fragrances SEA and LAND. A solid shower gel and an oil complete the set.

- Gift set
- Perfume water, solid shower gel and oil
- Content in detail:
Gift set AIR: AIR bottle approx. 100 ml, SEA + LAND perfume sample each with approx. 1.5 ml, solid shower gel approx. 110 g, oil approx. 30 ml
Gift set SEA: SEA bottle approx. 100 ml, AIR + LAND perfume sample each approx. 1.5 ml, solid shower gel approx. 110 g, oil approx. 30 ml

Informacije o proizvodu

  • Broj artikla: B66959768

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